What an uplifting experience to listen to Martha Tilston and her gifted band at zustudios. Complex lyrics interwoven with beautiful folk-inspired music - Tilston has a rich and versatile voice and is also a fantastic guitarist, with an amazing veteran band (mandoline, violin, guitar, drums, keyboards and base). For a large, appreciative audience, s he sang the powerful new song L.O.V.E, which is motivated by the recent refugee crisis You can download it directly from her website to raise money for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) http://www.marthatilston.co.uk/ Supported by Danny Emerson, whose rich and haunting songs are truly memorable. Martha Tilston and her hugely gifted band played at zustudios in Lewes, an arts centre and meeting place in a warehouse built in 1912: http://www.zustudios.com/ Sadly this amazing centre is threatened by closure - a developer wants to redevelop the whole area. This space is a huge as...